Any e-commerce business looking to connect with millions of users globally must have partnered with platforms like Amazon. Being among the leading e-commerce platforms, the competition is quite high, and if you are new to the game. One way to play out your competitors is to invest in PPC campaigns for Amazon. Yes, you got that right!
Amazon PPC services tend to help businesses generate more revenue by showing their products in the top results and attracting more users. However, as time changes, it is imperative to know that a small mistake can cause all your efforts to be in vain. This article will explore the top 10 Amazon PPC mistakes you should avoid in 2024. Keep reading for more information!

Not Optimizing Product Listing

Your online shop is your product listing, and PPC will not preserve it if it is not compelling. An unoptimized listing may have trouble turning clicks into purchases if it has subpar photos, ambiguous descriptions, or boring titles. Make sure your listing is compelling and well-crafted before spending money on advertisements by including:

  • Optimize your impressions for relevant keywords using a title, description, and bullets that are rich in terms yet simple to read.
  • A captivating headline that prevents users from scrolling and increases your click-through rate
  • Interesting pictures and A+ Content that increases conversion rates by using colors, pictures, and language that is readable on mobile devices

Not Leveraging Keyword Research Tools

Keyword Research Tools

YouTube videos from years ago would advise starting an automated campaign and looking through your search term report for phrases that convert. There are a lot faster and better methods these days. By spying on your rivals, you may compile a determined keyword list in 30 minutes or less, saving you the two to four weeks you would need to wait for useful keyword data.

Apart from this, tons of keyword research tools work on the algorithm to find the right keywords for optimization. Also, these tools can help you to get an idea of the competition, ranking difficulty, and much more. So, you should never neglect while indulging in professional Amazon PPC services.

Utilizing Auto Campaigns for Product Launch

Using automated campaigns for keyword research isn’t the only error you might make while using this campaign. One further typical error we see is the use of automated marketing for new product launches.

At a time when relevance is so important, this might send Amazon the incorrect type of relevancy signals, given the wide reach of autonomous marketing. It is important to ensure that the Amazon algorithm accurately determines the nature of your product and the appropriate listing position in search results.

It is strongly advised to start with targeted human campaigns to guarantee this, and then a few weeks later, to add a more comprehensive campaign framework incorporating automated marketing.

Not Focusing on the Structure of Amazon PPC Campaign

Amazon Campaign

You can remain organized, optimize effectively, and expand your marketing more successfully with the support of a sound campaign framework. But far too many salespeople go into developing various campaigns without even considering their structure. A well-planned campaign framework consists of campaigns with distinct goals:

  • Research: Low-bidding, automatically-run ads that continuously seek new long-tail keywords
  • Testing: Wide-ranging match manual campaigns determine if the keywords discovered during the research stage can convert at a reasonable cost.
  • Scaling: Exact search campaigns that allocate as much money as feasible to the keywords shown to work throughout the testing phase.

Utilizing Universal Optimization Criteria

When it comes to optimization, you will lose a lot of money if you apply a general guideline to your whole account. Since every product & market niche is distinct, applying the same pricing approach or optimization techniques to many goods or categories might be ineffective.

Rather, spend some time tailoring your strategy to each product. For example, product A converts at a rate of 20%, and Product B converts at 10%. Product B requires more time (or clicks) to test its keywords; therefore, you can’t add negative keywords as rapidly.

Making Changes Regularly

Regular modifications are necessary, but hasty ones might bias findings. Give yourself ample time after launch and between revisions to collect useful data and make educated judgments. If a term is spending money but not selling, you may include it as a negative keyword. If you invest enough to test it, you may delete a high-potential term too soon.

So, the professionals offering Amazon PPC services advise not to make regular changes and instead wait some time to check the response. Regular changes might not work in your favor, and you may face loss.

Not Focusing on Long-Tail Keywords

It’s simple to get drawn to large, often searched terms. Long-tail keywords, however, often have higher conversion rates and less competition. They serve certain markets, which increases the applicability of your offering.

This indicates that long-tail keywords can be much more lucrative than high-volume, short-tail keywords. Naturally, the difficulty lies in long-tail keywords having a smaller volume. The secret is to create a campaign structure that enables you to consistently push successful long-tail keywords with high conversion rates up to specialized campaigns.

Ignoring Paid Or Organic Links

It would be incorrect to see Amazon PPC as a separate marketing channel from your other Amazon endeavors. In actuality, it plays a significant role in organic ranking. As a result, you need to monitor TACOS (Total Advertising Cost of Sales) in addition to ACOS (Advertising Cost of Sales) while evaluating the performance of your Amazon PPC campaigns. You may monitor how your sponsored advertisements affect your organic performance and gain clients, whereas your rivals might give up by monitoring TACOS.

Believing that Amazon PPC is Active and Forgetting

Just like a plant, PPC campaigns need ongoing care. As trends change, so does competition. After launching them, you should regularly assess and tweak your Amazon PPC ads to ensure they remain lucrative and successful. Regretfully, there’s more to selling on Amazon than meets the eye, and being a top seller requires more than just launching your product.

Seeking Reviews Before Launching PPC Campaign

Before starting a PPC campaign, looking for reviews might be advantageous or disadvantageous. Although testimonials are valuable for establishing credibility and trust with prospective clients, postponing your PPC efforts until reviews mount up might reduce sales velocity right at the start of the campaign, when it matters most.

You must balance the need for social proof and the pressing requirement to get your PPC campaigns off the ground. Additionally, launch your campaigns as soon as possible to capitalize on the first momentum and boost sales.


In conclusion, if you know these typical mistakes, you may steer your ads toward greater success, even if navigating Amazon’s PPC environment might be challenging. It’s important to consistently assess and improve your tactics while maintaining an adaptable and customer-focused mindset.

If you are seeking to get professional Amazon PPC services, then your search comes to an end with DexDel. Our team of experts is always keen to assist you and help your business grow in the highly competitive world.